Thursday, October 2, 2008

Most Often Referenced Movies

The following lists comprises of our most often referenced to movies while training in marital arts. Note: these are not recommended as the best movies or anything of that nature they are just the most often quoted and referenced too while we train. If you don't have them all I suggest you get them.

1. Star Wars; The references to this movie never stop, the Force, Yoda, Padawan learners, the Dark Side, Sith Lords and Jedi Knights seem to always come up.

The Last Dragon; The Last Dragon is a hit with both it's theme song and the glow. "To reach that higher level your body mind and your soul have got to be one its a sacrifice its a way of liffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeee."

Karate Kid; classic lines such as "sweep the leg! do you have a problem with the Mr. Lawrence?" can never be forgotten.

4. Pumping Iron. A cult classic this movie does get quoted from time t
o time although not nearly as much as the others. Arnold does have some of the most memorable lines in this film.

5. Enter the Dragon; If you are going to watch one Bruce Lee movie then this is it. Enter the Dragon has everything. The number of times I've mimicked from this Bruce Lee while training is many. Whoooaaaaaaa!

6. Dumb and Dumber; A timeless classic that is only mentioned with the utmost reverence.

Other movies we've talked about but are not on the all-stars list although they may be one day are;

That's it for now. If you can think of other movies that should be on either one of these lists post them up in the comments and I'll add them.


Brian Lawrence said...

What about all the Rocky movies? They should make the list solely because of their theme songs.

Unknown said...

Cosigned on Rocky!