Friday, October 19, 2007

Liam Robert Kressin

How it Went Down

October 14th my wife began having contractions around 6 pm. By 7 pm her contractions were strong and a consistent 2-3 minutes apart. We waited until 8:30 pm to go to the hospital. The pain and intensity of her contractions where good and we knew this might be the real deal. We got to the hospital at 9:00 pm. My wife's water broke as soon as we got to triage. They admitted us and we had the baby at 10:30pm. Liam was eight pounds ten ounces. He did really well and we left the hospital at exactly 24 hrs after his birth.

Liam Robert

We chose to name our son Liam Robert. The name Liam is the Irish name for William. It means great protector! Which he will be once he learns Jiu-Jitsu and the Crazy Monkey. My wifes grandmother was the first generation to come here from Ireland in her family so an Irish name is well fitting. Robert is the name of my wife's father who froze to death when she was thirteen years old.

Liam likes to eat. He nurses for an hour at a time and sleeps a lot. He is a happy baby very calm. Our daughter Hannah is really sweet with him and loves him very much. It is wonderful to see my wife so happy. She is an amazing mother to both my children. I can't believe how well she takes care of them. She is selfless and giving encouraging me to sleep longer hours than her when she is the one who needs the rest and still taking time to help everyone. I know for a fact if my wife's father were here today he would be so proud of her and his two grandchildren.

My wife and I want to give special thanks to all our family and freinds everyone from Jiu-Jitsu and anyone who has been there as a positive support and encouragement to us.