The seminar began discussing some of the primary differences between the Art, Sport and Fighting aspects of Jiu-Jitsu. Chris specifically emphasized the importance of sport. Haueter who in addition to coaching his private students is an instructor at Rigan Machado's Academy where he recently had been rolling with several world class black belts. Chris Haueter had some keen insight on the benefits of competitive sport oriented Jiu-Jitsu.
"When you are in competition with someone you don't know who is trying to choke your neck its not the same as rolling with someone you know in class every week playing a friendly game," Haueter said.
For the first two hours we worked on our technical game. Covering a guard passing series Chris has put together specifically for competition. Often you will only be able to control one leg with a single grip when faced with a highly competitive opponent. Chris went into great detail covering numerous ways to gain hip control and pass against an active aggressive opponent from nothing more than a single grip. After an hour of guard passing Chris showed us the defense and counters to all the guard passing techniques he had just taught us.
After rolling for close to an hour straight Chris called Peter out onto the mat for a roll. Peter is a lean 230lb blue belt who is very close to the purple. Peter gave Chris a battle and had a very impressive roll. Afterwards Chris commented on Peter’s game saying, "Peter is feeling more like a purple belt it’s hard to tell because of his size however it does feel like he's really using skill and not just his weight." This was a very nice complement not just to Peter but to everyone Peter has been training with for the past several years.
After rolling with Chris Haueter we went into some Iron Man Games. The Iron Man game we played went as follows; two of us would take center mat, the Iron Man would start on his back with the opponent in his guard. Whoever scores first wins. The Winner stays on the mat. Four wins in a row makes you a champion.
I stepped on the mat last and began blasting through all my students until I met up with Peter who passed my Guard! Overall the everyone showed a lot of improvement by the end of the night we had been training for close to 4 hours!
I remember the first time we had Chris Haueter down Joe Celona was there along with about 5 others all white belts. This past weekend we had close to 20 of us there including Joe! The group has come a long way. While no belt comes easy in Jiu-Jitsu it’s a lot of fun to see everyone’s game progress.
Pictured Top; Jeremy fully attentive to Haueter's Jits instruction.
Pictured Below; Chris Haueter a truely seasoned black belt!